Mrs Smith Reads The Unwinding An Inner History of the New America by George Packer, #CBR5, Review 24

The Unwinding

I finished The Unwinding too late to include it on my Best of 2013 Reads list, but if I could, I would totally move it to first place. Everyone should read this book. George Packer has put a human face on the economic collapse of the US over the last four decades, and what he describes is not pretty.

The Unwinding is not a non-fiction economic treatise on bad political and corporate malfeasance used to describe our current inequalities, instead, Packer tells stories. These stories come from North Carolina (my home state), Ohio and Florida. Packer gives us history writ small, detailing the lives of lower middle class and poor individuals struggling to be successful and make a good life for themselves and their families as corporations and our politicians make it harder and harder for anyone but the most wealthy to enjoy anything approaching success.

Mrs Smith Reads The Unwinding by George Packer