Tyburn Blossom’s #CBR 5 Review #8: Abhorsen, by Garth Nix

abhorsenAbhorsen picks up so immediately following the end of Lirael that they may as well be read as a single book.

It makes reviewing it really hard because saying anything at all about what happens in the book is pretty much a big spoiler for what happened in the previous book.

If you’re interested in reading these books and haven’t read up to this one yet, then I’ll leave it at this: do pick these books up. Do read them. Whether you’re an adult or a teenager, this is a rich, fascinating world full of characters that have stayed with me for more than a decade and a half. There’s a short list of books I’ve read more than once, and a very, very short list of books I’ve read more than twice. All three of the Old Kingdom books are on that very, very short list.

If you have read the others, if you don’t care about spoilers, or you have no intention of reading these books, but you’re mildly curious anyway, read on.

Read the rest at The Everyday Alchemy Lab.

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