Sophia’s #CBRV Review #5: Moonwalking with Einstein by Joshua Foer

I have to memorize all the streets in my city, all nearby hospitals, and all thirty fire stations for my final test to get off probation. I think that’s why Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art Moonwalking with Einsteinand Science of Remembering Everything (2011) by Joshua Foer caught my eye. I love reading stories about people trying new things, I’m fascinated by how the mind works, and I figured I might pick up some helpful hints for my own memorizing challenges along the way.

Joshua Foer attended the U.S. Memory Championships to write up a short article on what it involved. After meeting some of the people, he decided to look into it more closely and went on to enter the U.S. championships the next year. Foer details his experiences for his quest to become a memory champion as he also explores various topics related to memory.

I’m not sure if it’s just that I’ve been so busy and stressed lately that I have less patience, but I found this book rather frustrating. To find out why, read the rest of my review here.

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